Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Random Wednesday

I haven't posted a random Wednesday in awhile, so here goes. Lene had a link to this nifty little map of where you've been. Sure looks impressive when they highlight all of the US and Canada, doesn't it?

create your own visited countries map
or vertaling Duits Nederlands

The same folk have another one for just the US (maybe they'll come up with one for Canada, too).

create your own visited states map
or check out these Google Hacks.

I'm sure that this happens to other folk out there. When I get to cleaning (which doesn't happen near often enough), I tend to run out of steam before I get to this room: my sewing room/office. This poor room just gets everything shoved into it from the rest of the house. I have one corner cleaned out, but will wait to show you the finished product.

And now for something more random than usual. I found this thing growing in my garden. Does it remind you of something?

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