Mom and I decided on Captain Zodiac Whale Cruises out of Cheticamp. We saw both Minke whales and pilot whales on our trip.
Upper right is a Minke whale tail. These whales are pretty quick and don't stay at the surface for very long. I am not very quick, so only caught the tail in a picture.

I mentioned earlier that whale watching appears to be a required tourist activity. To be honest, I often run from such things. In this case, I would definitely go on another one. Especially on a Zodiac, where you can pretend you're bombing around with Jacques Cousteau!
How beautiful! What a treat to get to see whales! I do believe it is a requirement of a tourist in those areas.. but its still a toss up on whether you will actually SEE anything while you're out on one of those boats.
I've lived in NB most of my life and I've never seen a whale. It makes me feel like a bad Maritimer. I also can't swim.
Sometimes, the tourist activity is just...well...the right thing.
It's an awesome (in the old sense of the word) experience to see something like a pod of whales. You were lucky to have such a successful watch.
Thanks for sharing the photos!
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