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While on PEI, we visited the Mill Store at MacAusland's Woollen Mills. The store was quite nice and my knitter scored some yarn to add to her stash. Unfortunately, the mill wasn't going to open again until Tuesday. Or perhaps that's a good thing as who knows how much wool would have been coming home with us. I'm sure there will be a separate post on vacation stash enhancement with souvenir yarn. We also visited the Potatoe Museum (who would have thought?) and Woodleigh Replicas and Gardens. Each will have their own post, as I had quite a good time.
Canada Day was quite pleasant during the d
ay, but it did rain at night. I sure hope no one minds that I'm checking out the Canadian flag. We went to dinner in North Rustico, where I posed with a fisherman and his lobster. The fisherman was nice, but I have my doubts about the lobster! Afterwards, we listened to a band called Bootleg (and very good they were) . Fireworks followed and they managed to finish them before the skies opened into a total downpour. So glad that we were able to watch from the car and not get wet.
Wow.. beautiful photos. It looks like a lovely place to visit. I agree that the lobster in the carving looks more than slightly agitated.. lol
I love how red the rocks are - so red, you can see it even under water.
That's an absolutely spectacular seascape.
Thanks for the photos!
Awesome pictures - thanks for sharing! Love your blog! BTW - I come from a rural area in Bavaria, Germany. At least over there cow tipping is an urban legend. Just try to tip a cow... I don't think so ;-)
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