I've mentioned it before, but there's just something about Tuesdays. I've never been fond of the day; for me, it often seems like the most awkward (and sometimes crappy) stuff happens on Tuesday. Today was no exception.
To start, DD wanted company to go downtown to observe a court trial for one of her classes. No problem. We get there, find a spot to park in the garage (dark, dreary place that is), go through security, only to find that there are no active trials at this time. I guess we're going to try again Thursday.
Later in the day, I went out again. I ran some errands and they all went smoothly. I should have known something was up. The last item on the agenda was an interview fo

r a long-term contract position that I actually know how to do all but one item on their job description (and that was not a big item). I feel like I blew the entire interview. It appears that I lost my mind somewhere on the way there. DH says it sounded like I really did pretty well when I explained all the parts of the interview and the test they gave me, but I still feel like I blew it. Sigh.
After dinner, I enjoyed lovely cup of coffee. Maybe it should say "No Workee, No Coffee"?
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