Yep, it's officially that time of year. The time of year when most everybody is sick of winter. It's been wet, snowy, icy, windy, cold in what seems like a never-ending cycle.
Job hunting is kind of like a never-ending winter: searching ads, filling out applications, strewing resumes around like confetti. You rarely ever get a response from anyone.
When you do, sometimes it's worse than no response. One company called m

e in an all-fired hurry to set up an interview, only to call back an hour later...oh, well, I guess you're not as qualified we thought, never mind. Thanks, that really did a lot for my confidence. At another, I had two interviews, cleared the drug, background and physical tests, then get told that the job is on hold. Couldn't you have told me that earlier in the process?
Like this wind-blown cardinal, I sure hope that the seasons are finally changing and that my luck will change with them.
There should be more courtesy and humanity in the job search process, but I guess that's a thing of the past. I hope both spring and a new job find you soon!
All a matter of perspective, I guess, as I suffer (with sunburn, yet!) through 95-degree days and yearn for snow, ice, and a real winter. Of course, I'm also jobless, so I have a lot more time to think about all this and house-hunt in the Northeast (online of course). I'd probably feel more like knitting if it were cooler!
Good luck with job hunting. I once went through an entire application process, took the company's aptitude test, sat through an interview, only to be told that the job had already been filled. Stinks, don't it?
Oh-good luck with the job search. I totally HATE interviews- the whole process, really-I mean, can't they just hire me because I have nice nails and keep myself neat? I am in a position whereby I sometimes have to do the interviewing, and I remember one poor young lady- she was wearing a long beaded necklace, and was so nervous that she kept on twisting it up tightly- at one point- it got way too tight and she needed to leave the room for a second! Oh my- I felt for her, I really did. All the best in your search- and no long necklaces!!!!
That's a fantastic picture of the cardinal. Best wishes, thoughts & vibes sent your way.
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