How about that? Some finished objects and really cute kitty pictures. My spokeskitty, Bubba, says both beds are acceptable. They are both knitted from Cat Bordhi's
Second Treasury of Magical Knitting. I made these quite awhile ago, but they just got

washed, so looked pretty good. Different yarns felt at different rates, so the blue one has always been small and the gray one always large.

There has also been some spinning around here. The top one is some
polypay that I got in a swap. This sample was somewhat coarse, but it spins easily. The bottom one is the silk that I spun earlier.
The two in the middle are totally lucious Fleece Artist, 50/50 merino/silk. This stuff is a dream to spin and the colors are lovely. I navajo-plied it to keep the colors more separate. It's a shame that the sun wasn't out today, because that would have made the colors really shine!

There is even a finished project: fingerless mitts for a Christmas gift from mohair. These are one of my latest favorite projects to knit. There's a lot of good going on:
--Not much yarn is needed
--You don't have to worry about how long the recipient's hand is
--It's quite surprising how warm they keep your hands and fingers
Time to stop blogging, the critters are letting me know, loudly, that it's way past feeding time!
My goodness, you have been busy! It all looks great.
Hey Diane,
It's your laid off, Gemini buddy in here in Bloomingburg, NY. I love your blog and that picture of Meg is too funny!!!!! :-)
Keep up the good work, and keep taking lots of pictures with your Kodak camera, I love seeing pictures of "Home" :-)
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