This, however, is a bit better. I finished spinning the Fleece Artist roving (pictures on a future post) so Trouble decided that she would occupy the basket. Isn't there a saying something like "nature abhors a vacuum"? Apparantly, this is our local version of it.
I was sort of planning on taking some pictures of some recently spun yarn and maybe an actual finished object. When I got home tonight from a knitting guild meeting, where I got very little knitting done, I found that we had no electric. However nice lamplight is, it's not very good for photography.

There just isn't anything else like a great big buckle to say that you done good (Novice Grand Champion).
1 comment:
Congrats to your daughter on her award/buckle!
I'm thankful that my cat wants nothing to do with any fiber related activity.. except that she loves to butt her head against my moving spinning wheel on occasion.
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