Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Excuses, Excuses

Well, this is just going to be a post full of excuses. I did not bother to take a Saturday Sky picture a few days ago. It was gray then, gray on Sunday, gray today...typical November around here. It's not even an interesting gray, just a solid, often damp, gray.

This, however, is a bit better. I finished spinning the Fleece Artist roving (pictures on a future post) so Trouble decided that she would occupy the basket. Isn't there a saying something like "nature abhors a vacuum"? Apparantly, this is our local version of it.

I was sort of planning on taking some pictures of some recently spun yarn and maybe an actual finished object. When I got home tonight from a knitting guild meeting, where I got very little knitting done, I found that we had no electric. However nice lamplight is, it's not very good for photography.

To finish off today's post, how about some parental bragging. DD did very well for her first year of barrel racing, pole bending and keyhole.

There just isn't anything else like a great big buckle to say that you done good (Novice Grand Champion).

1 comment:

Mouse said...

Congrats to your daughter on her award/buckle!
I'm thankful that my cat wants nothing to do with any fiber related activity.. except that she loves to butt her head against my moving spinning wheel on occasion.