I finished (mostly) my last, long abandoned project. There was much labor involved, or at least much plain stockinette. I had thought that the nightie from Mason-Dixon Knitting was pretty neat. I still think so. However, the yarn I chose to substitute was not a good choice. As soon as it was cast off, the thing grew to ginormous proportions around. It will be ripped out. Perhaps the yarn would make a good tank or shell. We'll decide later on that.
The best news is that I have a brand-new job. I start tomorrow as a Computer Support Assistant at the local school district. Hopefully, I haven't forgotten everything over the last year of job hunting and can actually address issues as they come up. There isn't much time to "warm-up" as the school year starts Wednesday. I'm looking forward to doing this kind of work again, having an 8-minute commute and health insurance.
Shamless Plug: Finger Lakes Fiber Arts Festival is approaching quickly...Sept. 15-16 in Hemlock, NY. Great fun, inexpensive to get in, fabulous vendors and we want you to join us!
Congratulations on your new job! I hope it's lots of fun.
Congratulations on the new job! How very exciting - I'm so happy for you.
p.s. I looove PTCruisers. they're so... so... I have no words. And I love the colour.
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