I've been promising blog friends that I would post pictures of some of the trees when they finally flowered. It was quite cool the last few weeks (but no snow), so they were delayed a bit. This week it has finally warmed up and everything is just busting out in flowers and leaves.
Cherry trees are in full flower, like this huge weeping one that I saw on my travels. When you get into more populated areas and also closer to Lake Ontario, it's sheltered enough for magnolias. Not a tree for me, it's too wide open and brutal in the winter in my yard.
Flowers are a definite sign that spring has finally arrived, but, for me, not much says spring more than the brand-new leaves on a maple tree and a cat clearly enjoying the warm sunshine.
Note: There has been actual knitting and spinning. The second sock of the ridged wave pair is done, no need for a picture, it looks the same as the first one. I'm also well started on spinning up some white for a vest, also not riveting picture material.
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