In the interest of being somewhat creative, I tried taking some pictures at night, outside. Interesting, as the LCD on the camera back just shows black, so you really are in point & shoot blindly land. If you don't press the shutter all the way, the flash will go off to show you what you might get.
Gypsy likes snow. She especially likes it when you throw snowballs at her to catch. It is surprisingly difficult to take a picture of that, in the dark, when you're also the one throwing snowballs.
Gypsy's nose is very large and just fine. Mine, not so good. At least the meds have finally kicked in to evict the darn bugs that took up residence for the last few weeks.
I've gotten a bit of spinning done...I found this in my stash and I have a really good vest pattern to try with it. I'm also planning on dying it as I've already got a couple of vests in this color range. Pretty neat the way it was put up. I think it might be CVM; a friend is going to check her much better organized stash to see if she's got the same stuff, maybe even with a label.

Now for some late-breaking fun news. Last night, while DH was surfing, he saw a local ad for a loom. I sent off an email saying that I was interested and what did he want to trade for it or how much. He didn't know how much and I know so little about looms that I really shouldn't consider buying a used one. Well, $50 later, I now own this: a Nilus LeClerc, 4-harness table loom, including floor stand. Other than a pin missing on the front, everything seems to be there and in quite good condition.
I always regarded weaving as a retirement project and that the right loom would show up for me eventually. Since I'm not ready to retire, I guess I have to move weaving up the project list.
Airedales have the most fantastic noses!
Here's Annie's nose for comparison:
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