I'm not sure if it's worth mentioning, but I've managed to keep up with this blogging thing for a whole month. Besides the obvious, one of the good things about this blog is that I look for stuff to take pictures of. Previously, I didn't take pictures of FO's at all. Now I do, so I think I'll just print them out (even if just on plain paper) and put them in my also sporadically updated "Fuzz Diary". My DD named my little notebook as a joke a few years back. What's in my notebook, you ask? Well, I try to get new fiber and yarns written down. When I spin and/or knit with it, I also put in what I liked or disliked about the fiber, yarn or pattern. I also have pages for when/where I entered an item into a competion and how it did. There are also gift pages, so that I don't have to remember what I've made someone in the past. That way I can either add to a set or make something else. I figure there's only so much available room in my brain, so if I write this stuff down, I don't have to remember the details!

As part of the continuing habit (well, possibly addiction) of knitting Mason-Dixon warshcloths, I've done up two more, as well as milling more soap. I'd say who they're for, but let's just try to surprise (not warn) her!
You know how anything cheesy pretty much defeats many dishwashers (or at least mine)? Well, if you have one of these dandy pre-wash systems, your problem is solved. This may not be a good method for everyone, but it works for us. Gypsy takes her duties very seriously; this is one of the few times she will ignore a camera. Besides, if you can't trust the really hot water and strong detergent in a dishwasher, what can you trust?
Since it's been pretty gloomy (although not as much rain as other places) here, I thought it was a good time to show a few pics from a couple of weeks ago. I don't know about the flowering trees/shrubs that other people have, but you can be pretty sure that within minutes of ours being in full bloom, it will get
very, very windy, followed by torrential rain or even snow.

As part of the continuing habit (well, possibly addiction) of knitting Mason-Dixon warshcloths, I've done up two more, as well as milling more soap. I'd say who they're for, but let's just try to surprise (not warn) her!

Do you ever go to the Maple Festival in Frankfort? DH was just saying at dinner tonight that one of the things he misses from living up north is the Maple Fest.
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
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