Today, I had good intentions of finishing the laundry from last week, doing this week's laundry, picking up/dusting living room and dining room, vacuuming, cleaning both bathrooms and tidying up the kitchen. What actually happened in the housekeeping department? Only 2 loads of laundry done, 1 in dryer, another in washer, set up Roomba in living room, sort of tidied up kitchen (already can't tell), dusted (sort of) the living room.
Then I got distracted from that when the doorbell rang. It was our intrepid (and tiny) postal worker. She had left a box for me. Must. Open. Now. It was from Interweave. I had finally made up my mind to replace my old paper issues of Spin-Off with DVDs and they went on sale last week. I didn't think that I would be a fan of reading them on the computer, but I am hooked: instant page turning, the Table of Contents is all linked, just click and go right to where you want, zoom in/out, etc. I may even try doing electronic subscription next year.
I like shiny things! BUT I am trying to find a pattern that I've seen on Pinterest that leads back to you. It's a particularly attractive Gingerbread Man/Boy. Is there a pattern?? If so, can you please direct me to it.
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If you're looking to lose weight then you certainly need to try this brand new custom keto meal plan.
To create this keto diet service, licenced nutritionists, fitness couches, and professional chefs joined together to produce keto meal plans that are powerful, convenient, economically-efficient, and satisfying.
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Speaking of benefits: in this link, you'll discover eight scientifically-certified ones given by the keto meal plan.
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