Time just flies by when you're having fun, doesn't it? Earlier this month, I took a civil service exam for my new job and I'm pretty sure that I did well. All that studying sure took a big chunk of time away from blogging, knitting and spinning. I feel like I can settle in more permanently at work now.

Uncharacteristically, I chose to limit the holiday knitting and baking, so I've actually been successful on both fronts. Gifts for one SIL/BIL have already been knitted and shipped. A hat for a grab bag gift for my spinning group is done, a pair of mitts for my other SIL is done and a scarf for my aunt is also done. Not only done, but wrapped, packed and ready to be dropped off at the Post Office in the morning.

This year, I decided to make apple pies for the "friends & neighbor gifts". Sounds daunting, but in my youth, 4-H used to sponsor an apple pie contest which required participants to be able to make a pie in 30 minutes or less. Believe you me, all that practice has finally paid off. Last Sunday, 9 pies were created & baked in an afternoon. I have a few more to do, but I ran out of apples.
Only one batch of cookies have been made (and some stashed for munching on Christmas), but there is likely to be much time available for that sort of thing this weekend. The weather folk are saying that we are in for it...16 to 20 inches of snow on Sunday with high winds to go with.

Luckily, the previously mentioned blizzard isn't supposed to start until Saturday night. Our spinning guild is having our annual fiber gift exchange tomorrow and that is something I don't want to miss! My contribution is wool (out of the stash, maybe merino), dyed in Christmas colors and just a bit of glitz.

Speaking of stash...getting at that white wool created involved a bit of stash tossing. I'm actually kind of impressed that I can get all that into one closet. OK, so there's a bit of a heap in the corner of the dining room, but I can deal with that after the holidays, right?
Bear here- I wants to know where Gypsy is with all this Christmas stuff. I no see Gypsy! Did you wrap up Gypsy as present????
Sweet Baby Girl. . .Mom would admire to have a pair of fingerless mittens in a color to go with my favorite jacket. (turquoise, dark blue, burgundy and black)
I noticed you were much too modest to brag on your 4-H apple pie history to your blog-pals, so I will. It ended as a Blue Ribbon mega-winner! Daddy and I ate a lot of pie for a few weeks, but it was all delish.
Merry Christmas to all.
Love, Mom
Hello- at long last I am ready to mail the penpal letters- red tape, doncha know- can you email me a snail mail address? Thanks!
. And will you for Pete's sake stop with the goodies pictures - I'm drooling into my keyboard here!
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