Today, I had good intentions of finishing the laundry from last week, doing this week's laundry, picking up/dusting living room and dining room, vacuuming, cleaning both bathrooms and tidying up the kitchen. What actually happened in the housekeeping department? Only 2 loads of laundry done, 1 in dryer, another in washer, set up Roomba in living room, sort of tidied up kitchen (already can't tell), dusted (sort of) the living room.
Then I got distracted from that when the doorbell rang. It was our intrepid (and tiny) postal worker. She had left a box for me. Must. Open. Now. It was from Interweave. I had finally made up my mind to replace my old paper issues of Spin-Off with DVDs and they went on sale last week. I didn't think that I would be a fan of reading them on the computer, but I am hooked: instant page turning, the Table of Contents is all linked, just click and go right to where you want, zoom in/out, etc. I may even try doing electronic subscription next year.